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Frequently Asked Questions
Cat Travel

Cats are creatures of habit and often don’t like change. Life can be made easier if your cat is not subjected to packers

Dog Travel

Dogs like to be secure and we try to be matter of fact when transporting them. Make them feel safe and happy in the right cage.

Do my pets need tranquillising?

In my opinion this is not an option unless they were going to hurt themselves trying to escape. I feel that they are better to be aware of what is happening

Are pets fed on long journeys?

No only water is supplied by means of a container on the inside and a funnel on the outside of the cage. In fact is better for the pet not to have a full stomach before travel as it must be very uncomfortable for them to hang on and even worse to have to go. I always use heaps of shredded newspaper on the bottom of the cage as I feel this is the most absorbent

Who looks after my pet on their journey?

At each transit stop (if any) pets are watered but not taken from their cages. There is none actually with them on the plane as they are in the hold in a special area. Sad to say but they are classed as freight and in a lot of ways treated as such.

Please ring or email for a detailed costing as there are many variations.

Costings are based on the following

Size of pets. Airlines use volumetric weights so even if your pet is only 5 kilo it may need a 16 kilo volumetric cage. Airlines require cages to be IATA approved so not every cage is compliant. Best to check first.

We are Christchurch New Zealand based and can arrange from most South Island towns including air fare from them where applicable.